Joy of Roses


Experience pure joy with our elegant bouquet of pristine white roses, complemented by stylish greens and presented in a classic glass vase. Ideal for expressing sympathy, love, or best wishes on anniversaries, birthdays, or get-well occasions. Each arrangement includes a personalized message, making it a thoughtful and versatile choice for showing you care.

  • White roses are arranged with leatherleaf fern, huckleberry, and variegated pittosporum.
  • Delivered in a clear vase
  • Orientation: All-Around
  • GOOD – One dozen roses, size: 23″H x 19″W
  • BETTER – 18 roses, size: 23″H x 19″W
  • BEST – 24 roses, size: 23.5″H x 20″W
  • Flowers may arrive in bud form but will bloom beautifully in the days that follow your delivery.
  • Occasionally substitutions may be necessary to create your arrangement due to the availability of certain flowers, but we will always keep the overall integrity of the arrangement you purchase.

Premium, Deluxe, Standard