Yours Truly Bouquet


Surprise your loved one with a stunning floral arrangement, ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to say ‘I love you’. Each handpicked bouquet is crafted to capture the essence of romance and celebration, accompanied by a heartfelt personalized message. Perfect for every ‘just because’ moment.

  • White and red long-stemmed roses with mixed greeneries are included.
  • Arranged in a clear glass vase
  • Orientation: All-around
  • Size: GOOD 23″H x 22″ W, BETTER 23.5″H x 23″W, Best 24″H x 24″W
  • Flowers may arrive in bud form but will bloom beautifully in the days that follow your delivery.
  • Occasionally substitutions may be necessary to create your arrangement due to the availability of certain flowers, but we will always keep the overall integrity of the arrangement you purchase.

Good $124, Better $149, Best $174